Gamer Run, Student Run

Our Story

At Protocere, we are passionate gamers turned game developers, driven by a love for creating imaginative indie games and commitment to our community. Founded by Richard Zhang, a student at UC Davis and lifelong gamer, our journey began with a simple dream - to simply create games that we ourselves would love to play.

Our Principles

  • Transparent Development: We've made it our mission to keep you closely informed about what we’re working on and our plans moving forward. We believe that your insight and feedback are invaluable in shaping the final product, and we cherish the opportunity to co-create the experience you desire.

  • Community-Centric Approach: From Discord and Reddit to YouTube and Kickstarter, we make it our priority to be active on these platforms and engage with our community.

  • Quality Before Quantity: We believe that a player’s likelihood to have fun and a game’s overall quality is much more important than its run time.

Join Us on the Journey

Thank you for being a part of our story. Let's create, play, and celebrate the magic of gaming together!